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MODULE 1 – What is Food entrepreneurship / What kind of Entrepreneur do you want to become?

This first module gives you a brief introduction to the basic concepts of food entrepreneurship and circle economy, and presents the different food business models in such a way that, by understanding them and after training with the following modules of the F4BT Training Package, you will have a clear view on food entrepreneurship and its branches, and will be able to starting up a food business initiative.

Read and learn

Different Food Business Models
Best Practices in Food and Beverage Sector
Circular Economy in Food and Beverage Sector

Check your knowledge

10 questions

Aliquam mattis felis orci, at luctus dui interdum dapibus. In libero arcu, placerat eget ultricies et, aliquam non tellus. Duis sit amet lorem at purus commodo aliquam. Donec non consectetur lacus, ut posuere ligula. Nam rhoncus, ex eu finibus fringilla, lectus sapien consectetur justo, sit amet lacinia tortor urna quis massa. Mauris sed cursus neque.

Enrolled: 27 learners
Lectures: 3

Co-funded by European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.